作为科学技术的一个分支, 工学学士学位是研究设计的, 建筑, 维护, 以及引擎的使用, 机器, 和结构. Engineering majors combine creativity with hands-on skills to turn designs and models into working devices – all for the purpose of meeting real needs in society.
是什么让康考迪亚大学欧文分校的工程与其他大学不同? 在康科迪亚,我们有兴趣培养一种不同类型的工程师.
康考迪亚大学欧文工程项目致力于进一步指导, 学习, 为在校生和未来的毕业生提供就业机会. 为此目的, the program intends to develop and resource the necessary steps for ABET accreditation at its earliest feasible opportunity by submitting the readiness review study by October 2024 with the goal of being fully accredited by Summer 2026.
你可能想知道为什么我们的专业是工程, 而不是像土木这样更专业的学位, 电, 机械工程. 而不是专注于狭隘的专业, we believe in equipping you with a broad education that gives you a solid foundation for your future and allows you to continually build on your skills. This gives you the flexibility to adapt to the evolving fields within engineering…or even if you end up deciding on a different career path.
You will first encounter what we mean by cross-disciplinary thinking in our distinctive general education, 被称为 持久的问题 & 的想法. 当你与这些“大问题”搏斗时,“你将开始建立联系,而不仅仅是在工程领域, 但也要跨越不同的主题和你自己的生活召唤. 这是一种好奇心, 测试, 解决问题, 发明这种方法是科学方法的核心, 我们相信,这类工程师最有能力在这个复杂的世界中发挥领导作用并取得成功.
Engineers have the unique opportunity to positively and significantly impact the quality of human life – whether that’s in major urban and suburban areas or the remotest towns and villages of the planet. 作为一所路德教会大学,我们认真对待我们的召唤去爱和服务我们的邻居. 由基督教教师指导, you will experience an emphasis on moral integrity and service to others throughout not only your classes but in entrepreneurial engineering activities that take place outside of the classroom.